Advocates warn about new ‘Benadryl Cocktail’ rape drug
Posted 4:33 pm, February 23, 2017, by Tribune Media Wire
CLEVELAND, Ohio – Sexual predators have used a number of drugs to attack their victims.
Now predators have begun using a common over-the-counter medicine to incapacitate both adults and children, prompting a warning from victims advocates.
It’s called the “Benadryl Cocktail” says Teresa Stafford, Senior Director of Victims Services and Outreach at the Cleveland Rape Crisis Center.
The liquid version of the popular allergy medicine is slipped into drinks and then given to the unsuspecting victims. Sometimes done by strangers, but more often than not by friends and/or acquaintances.
“Could be a boyfriend, could be a best friend, someone they had a trusting relationship with,” Teresa tells Fox 8, “We hear people say …I had this one drink and I felt really sick I felt light-headed right away and I felt dizzy.”
In 2005 Bill Cosby admitted to using the drug on a woman, and numerous other cases have also surfaced.
Previously, the active ingredients were hard to detect, but now hospital rape kits can determine if a person was drugged with Benadryl or any generic brand.
Teresa advises people to watch their drinks, never leave them unattended and throw it away if the beverage tastes funny or seems off. “Trust your gut instincts.”
She also recommends friends have a plan to arrive and leave together, and to always check on each other throughout the night.
Source: http://wtvr.com/2017/02/23/victims-advocates-warn-about-new-benadryl-cocktail-rape-drug/