These are real people with real stories. They could be from any community, including yours. Listen to their stories of addiction and its consequences.

Like any 14-year old, Jordan just wanted to fit in. Marijuana and alcohol introduced her to a different world. It wasn’t long before that world began slipping from her control. A fierce addiction to prescription medications and bath salts would find her out of her home, pregnant and in jail for felony theft – all before her 18th birthday.
Jordan’s StoryJordan
Like any 14-year old, Jordan just wanted to fit in. Marijuana and alcohol introduced her to a different world. It wasn’t long before that world began slipping from her control. A fierce addiction to prescription medications and bath salts would find her out of her home, pregnant and in jail for felony theft – all before her 18th birthday.
Jordan’s Story
Despite hiding his addiction throughout high school, Caleb’s experience with marijuana and alcohol set him on a steady, downward spiral. Relationships, grades and character suffered as Caleb continued to feed his habits by any means necessary, including theft and forgery. When he became addicted to bath salts, Caleb’s decline took an even steeper dive.
Caleb’s Story

Michael had been prescribed Adderall in the past to help with his ADD symptoms. To him, crystal meth seemed similar. When his girlfriend’s crowd enticed him to try meth, the drug made him feel more human. Soon, the feelings of normalcy diminished as each new fix took higher priority over his relationships and lifestyle.
Michael had been prescribed Adderall in the past to help with his ADD symptoms. To him, crystal meth seemed similar. When his girlfriend’s crowd enticed him to try meth, the drug made him feel more human. Soon, the feelings of normalcy diminished as each new fix took higher priority over his relationships and lifestyle.
Michael’s Story
David started using drugs in junior high to fit in. With problems mounting from continued marijuana and alcohol abuse, an introduction to methamphetamines in high school changed him into something he’d never thought possible. David began dealing and manufacturing the drug. After repeatedly bottoming out, David finally found the courage to turn things around and seek a better life for himself.
David’s Story

Elizabeth always felt like an outcast. She was feeling especially low one night. Her friends offered to cheer her up with a joint. Before long, she was experimenting with numerous drugs to enhance her mood: OxyContin, morphine, hydrocodone, Xanax, Adderall and cocaine. When she moved on to heroin, she worried that she might have a problem.
Elizabeth’s StoryElizabeth
Elizabeth always felt like an outcast. She was feeling especially low one night. Her friends offered to cheer her up with a joint. Before long, she was experimenting with numerous drugs to enhance her mood: OxyContin, morphine, hydrocodone, Xanax, Adderall and cocaine. When she moved on to heroin, she worried that she might have a problem.
Elizabeth’s Story
Despite a 40-pill-per-day habit, Brenda managed to hide her addiction. Being a medical professional gave her easier access to medications. That was until the day her employers noticed an overabundance of opiate prescriptions were being written. All at once, Brenda was faced with some very difficult questions.
Brenda’s Story

Kim’s son started smoking pot when he was 16. By 19, he had started shooting up meth. When the call came early one morning in February, she didn’t have to ask who it was. Kim had known for a long time that call was coming.
Kim’s StoryKim
Kim’s son started smoking pot when he was 16. By 19, he had started shooting up meth. When the call came early one morning in February, she didn’t have to ask who it was. Kim had known for a long time that call was coming.
Kim’s Story
Cindi tells the heartbreaking story of her son’s battle with addiction that ended with him losing his life.

Beth is the director of the CASA program. CASA volunteers are court appointed special advocates who are appointed by the court to children in the care of the court because their parents or legal guardians are unable to care for them. Beth has witnessed first-hand the damage drug and alcohol abuse can cause in a family and what happens to the children of addicts.
Beth’s StoryBeth
Beth is the director of the CASA program. CASA volunteers are court appointed special advocates who are appointed by the court to children in the care of the court because their parents or legal guardians are unable to care for them. Beth has witnessed first-hand the damage drug and alcohol abuse can cause in a family and what happens to the children of addicts.
Beth’s Story
Jeff witnesses the tragic consequences of heroin abuse in communities every day. At work on the streets, he’s seen the demand for heroin climb despite skyrocketing overdose rates. People from every walk of life are falling victim to this growing epidemic.
Jeff’s Story

James had little to no structure as a child and, as a result, found himself getting into trouble early and often. Drug abuse and addiction became major parts of James’ lifestyle. Frequent visits to jail, declining health and increasingly destructive behavior caused James to drop out of high school after the tenth grade. Finally, after nearly a decade of abuse, he began to understand his addiction and sought help.
James’ StoryJames
James had little to no structure as a child and, as a result, found himself getting into trouble early and often. Drug abuse and addiction became major parts of James’ lifestyle. Frequent visits to jail, declining health and increasingly destructive behavior caused James to drop out of high school after the tenth grade. Finally, after nearly a decade of abuse, he began to understand his addiction and sought help.
James’ Story